Sunday, February 12, 2017

3 Ways To Demotivate Your Team

Greetings Friends!!!  I pray the day is treating you well.

Working with people is both rewarding and challenging at the same time.  When there is a job to do sometimes we wish our team would just "get it done!".  As leaders we always have to be aware of what our team is thinking and how they may be feeling.  It is our job to keep them focused, on point and motivated all at the same time.  When we are under pressure and have goals to meet, sometimes we forget that a big part of our leadership is keeping everyone engaged.  Stay in tune with your team and don't fall into the traps listed below. 


1. Don't Say Thank You

Everyone wants to be appreciated.  A simple Thank You goes a long way.  Sometimes you have to say thank you for what you may feel is a given doing their job!!  Praise the behavior you want and appreciate the efforts of others. 


2. Why Lead By Example?

You can't expect others to do what you aren't willing to do.  People will do their jobs but if they think their leader isn't willing to roll up their sleeves too, sooner or later those people will leave you.  Simple things like picking up trash off the floor to working on the front lines, team members need to know you practice what you preach.  Be the example and lead the change. 


3. Manage Based on Title....Don't Lead or Inspire 

Leaders don't manage people, they manage systems.  Leaders inspire people.  When you manage people because you have the title to do so will not create commitment.  You create a team of individuals who follow you because your title deems so.  Those people will jump ship as soon as someone or something new and shiny comes along.  When you "inspire" others because of your leadership you create commitment.  People will do what you ask when you ask because of you make them feel.  The follow you into the war-zone because you help them be better. 


As the leader of your team, your department, your region or your company, it is your responsibility to motivate and keep your team motivated.  Their success depends on you and your success depends on them. 


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